
These links below provide resources to guide you in your prospect search, grant writing, and more.

Candid is the leading resource on private philanthropy in the United States. They provide funding news, grant information, and free training materials.

Philanthropy News Digest RFPs
Philanthropy News Digest publishes new RFPs daily. We recommend subscribing to their newsletter.

Browse millions of Form 990s from private foundations and other nonprofit organizations.

Foundation Directory Online
Foundation Directory Online provides users the ability to easily access public information on over 140,000 private, public, and corporate charities in the United States. Learn about grant-makers who may be interested in your work, who they fund, and how you can be successful.

A database that allows users to search for both federal and private funding opportunities. Sort by category, sponsor type, deadline, establish search criteria, and more. This database requires an OSU internet connection.

A website shared by many government, non-profit, and private grant-making organizations. View current funding opportunities and instructions on how to apply.